Member-only story
Introducing a novel framework for new leaders
Leadership is hard, especially for new leaders. I know because I was one. I graduated from the University of Virginia Army ROTC program in 1990 and joined the US Army. My first duty assignment as an Infantry Officer was at Fort Bragg, home of the 82nd All-American Airborne Division. I was brand spanking new and did not know what I was doing. I have already written about the sage advice my father, a retired Colonel, gave me. He also told me to become a student of leadership, so that is what I did.
There are a lot of leading experts in the world
The list of leadership gurus is long. I read many of their books, listened to their podcasts, attended their events, and completed their training courses. Over the past 25 years I learned a lot from leadership experts like Peter Drucker, Dale Carnegie, John Maxwell, Tom Peters, Arianna Huffington, Simon Sinek, John Kotter, Marcus Buckingham, Molly Fletcher, Ken Blanchard, Jim Collins, Marie Forleo, Michael Hyatt, Seth Godin, Brene Brown, Tony Robbins, and Sheryl Sandburg. I would list more names, but you get the point.