Three ways to start making progress on your annual goals
2021 has been a tough year so far
For some reason, I thought that things would magically improve this year. They have not.
In fact, it feels like things may be getting worse — no progress.
Think about what happened last month at the National mall — a riot that spilled into the halls of congress.
That whole scene was crazy.
I still want to have an awesome year
It has been tough to make progress on my 2021 annual goals. Maybe you are like me and are struggling already.
With that thought in mind, I am going to share three ideas for how to make progress on your annual goals.
I still want 2021 to be an awesome year, and I bet you do too.
Idea #1 — Get started to make progress
Your goals are not going to happen until you make them happen. Many times the hardest step towards achieving a goal is the first one.
I want to encourage you to get going, even if it is only a small step.
At least you are one step closer to your goal.
The mantra I tell myself is to move out and draw fire. It comes from my military days. The battle is not won sitting in your foxhole waiting for the fight to come to you.
Life is somewhat similar.
Your goals will not come to you. No — you must head towards them.
Idea #2 — Get help if you need it
On more than one occasion I was not making suitable progress against a goal because I did not know what I was doing.
I needed to conduct research, take a training class, or talk with an expert. I recommend you do the same, especially when you set an aggressive goal and do not make any tangible progress.
You may need help coming up with a workable plan. It is amazing all the experience you can tap nowadays.
Take full advantage of these resources. Don’t go it alone.
Idea #3 — Quit a goal if you make no progress
If a goal is no longer relevant — quit it.
Don’t waste your time working on goals that no longer matter to you. This option sounds harder than it is because we are told by many to never quit.
That mantra is bad advice when it comes to annual goals. Now I am not saying to throw in the towel on all your annual goals when things get tough.
Rather I am saying that it is okay to quit a goal if it does not make sense to continue pursuing it.
97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% that never gave up.
Daymond John
What is the key takeaway?
2021 has been tough. If you are not making progress on your annual goals — give these three ideas a try.
Get going, get help, and you can quit a goal that no longer matters to you.
I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.
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