Top twenty modern rock bands, Part 1

Doug Keating
4 min readJul 31, 2022


For the past month, I have been talking about albums. I am switching back to sharing my thoughts about bands. I am an old fart when it comes to rock music. However, I do listen to new bands. Here is part 1 of my top twenty modern rock bands. Feel free to share your own list, debate my choices, or tell me I am wrong in the comments.

The criteria I used for creating this list

Here are the three criteria I used to curate this list:

  1. Did not release an album until after 2000.
  2. No one album wonders.
  3. Obscure choices are allowed.

For example, the Foo Fighters have released a lot of great music since the year 2000, but they have been around longer than that. Therefore, they are not on the list. RIP Taylor Hawkins.

Modern Rock Band #20 — White Denim

Let’s start the list with an obscure band — White Denim. They are from Austin, Texas. They play eclectic music and are somewhat weird. My favorite album of theirs is Stiff — start there.

Modern Rock Band #19 — New Politics

Next on the list is New Politics. They are Danish from the city of Copenhagen. If you want to sample them, check out their best album, Vikings.

Coming in at #18 — Panic at the Disco

Panic at the Disco is probably better known than my first two selections. I love the name. They are a little bit emo, but Death of a Bachelor is an awesome album.

Modern Rock Band #17 — Judah and the Lion

Back to obscure bands. #17 on the list is Judan and the Lion. They are from Nashville, Tennessee. They have several good albums. I would start with Folk, Hop, and Roll.

Modern Rock Band #16 — The Raconteurs

This group includes Jack White. If you enjoy his music, then you will like this band. It is one of his side projects.

At #15 — X-Ambassadors

This band is from Ithaca, New York. Their album VHS is excellent.

Modern Rock Band #14 — Fall Out Boy

At #14, a pretty well-known band, Fall Out Boy. They have several hit songs. I think American Beauty is their best album. If you don’t like the song, Uma Thurman, then I am not sure we can be friends.

Modern Rock Band #13 — Wolfmother

We are getting into some heavy-sounding music with Wolfmother. They play guitar-laden music with caveman drumming. If you like Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin, you may enjoy this band.

Coming in at #12 — Wild Feathers

I really enjoy this band. They have several excellent albums. If you like the Eagles, then I recommend listening to this band.

Modern Rock band #11 — Great Van Fleet

Finishing off part 1 of this list, a somewhat controversial pick, Greta Van Fleet. This band gets a lot of flack from Led Zeppelin fans saying they are copycats. Probably because they sound like Led Zep. If you like Zeppelin, then give them a try. I like some of their songs a lot, but not all of them. The bottom line — they are putting out some good music.

There you have it — part 1 of my list of top twenty modern rock bands. If you think I am wrong — let me know in the comments. All feedback is welcome. Feel free to post your own list.

I am Doug Keating and this is my letter to sons.



Doug Keating

Leader and learner. husband and father. Novice blogger,, Founder of All The Way Leadership!